We are currently seeking interns with interests in:

  • Accounting/Book Keeping
  • Grant Writing
  • Fundraising
  • Administration
  • Counseling
  • Case Management
  • Child Development
  • Social Work
  • Family Studies
  • Psychology
  • Public Relations

Part-Time and Full-Time Mental Health Therapist (Accepting Applications for Both)

Open Positions for Employment

Open Positions for Volunteers/Interns

To Apply please send your cover letter, resume, and 3 business references to Lori Kirkhoff at lkirkhoff@imsafecac.org

Full Time Position Pays: $75,000.00 Per Year, includes Individual Health Care, Dental, Vision, Personal Days, and Vacation Days

Part Time Position Pays: $37,500.00 per year no other benefits

Minimum Qualifications:  Prefer a person with a fully licensed Master’s Degree in Social Work or another related field but will also consider a limited license in a related field. Prefer applicants with training in TF-CBT or evidence-based practice. Demonstrated professional experience with children and a demonstrated knowledge of child abuse and neglect issues and child development. Ability to communicate with a wide range of children from different cultural backgrounds and with differing levels of development. Strong interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills. An ability to work independently and also function effectively as part of a team. 

Job Description: The position provides therapy to children, adolescents, and non-offending parents impacted by child sexual abuse. This position will be the primary contact for crisis calls and walk-in during regular work hours. This position is a Full-time and will require travel to training. This position is flexible, we prefer Monday through Friday with a couple evenings for therapy and group counseling.  

Duties include:

I. Therapy and Parent Support Groups
a. Accept referrals for therapy from the Family Advocate.
b. Arrange therapy sessions with the client. 
c. Follow the guidelines of the therapy outlined for both in-office and outreach counseling services. 
d. Meet with the client in the office or at a remote approved location when necessary. 
e. Complete and submit all required case documentation (file notes and collaborate). 
f. Facilitate and/or co-facilitate support groups as needed focused on needs for parents.

g. Responsible for attending 24 hours of training per year pertaining to your role. Keep up to date training logs and record of all certificates. 
h. Must keep all certificates and licenses up to date and meet the requirements for full licensure in the state of Michigan. 
i. Build the counseling program to meet the needs of parents and victims. Will be assigned difficult cases where parents and/or caregivers do not believe or support the victim. 
j. Provide additional support for the clinical program as requested by the Program Director. 

II. Immediate Crisis Intervention and Referral Back Up
a. Responsible for Family Advocacy role should secondary trauma prohibit them from carrying out their role.

               i. Involved with Pre/Post forensic interview with caregivers providing crisis intervention, accurate information about child                     sexual abuse dynamics.

              ii. Meet with parents face to face during the forensic interview to provide immediate crisis intervention, explain pertinent                        information, and support resources.   Provide each family with a Caregiver packet. Document this 
              session in NCA/VOCA. Document notes regarding medicals, counseling, and any other special case dynamics.

III. Other Duties
a. Attend weekly staff meetings. 
b. Attend Case Reviews on Friday Mornings 
c. Attend CAC functions as requested

d. Co-Facilitate Youth Advisory Council
e. Prepare OMS surveys 
f. Enter information into NCA Track for NCA Statistical Reporting
g. Other duties as requested by the Executive Director and Program Director. 

Employment/Volunteer Opportunities

 If you would like to consider Volunteering or Interning with us, please click on the blue link to download the application